Grove GMK5165 All Terrain Crane for Sale
2005 Grove GMK5165, 165 Ton, 10x8x10 Carrier, Mercedes /Mercedes, 197 Boom, 36-59′ Bi-Fold Jib, 26 & 20′ Inserts for 105′ Total Jib, Hydraulic Jib Offset, Auxiliary Hoist/Boom Head Sheave, AC Both Cabs, 20.5 x 25 Tires, 88,400 Lbs Cwt, Boom Float Kit with Tandem Axle Dolly, (2) Blocks & Down Haul Ball, Approx 11,400 Upper Hours and 75,000 KM, Maintained on a dealer level service program and certified, Full Set of Manuals, Location: Louisiana
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