Grove GMK6300L for Sale
2019 Grove GMK6300L, 350 Ton, Mercedes / Mercedes, Allison Trans, 262′ Boom, 121′ Jib – 69′ Swing-A-Way with (2) 26′ Inserts, Hydraulic Jib Offset, Auxiliary Hoist/ Boom Head Sheave, 20.5×25 Tires, Boom Working Lights, Removable Outriggers, Boom Removal, Tri-Axle Boom Dolly, 125-Ton Block, 80-Ton Block, Single Sheave Block, Down Haul Ball, Well Maintained & Certified, Full set of manuals As of 2/2023: 2,300 Upper Hours, 924 Lower Hours and 17,600 Miles – SOUTHERN MACHINE
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